Finding Our Identity
After some really lame attempts at finding a name for our new business adventure, I finally came up with what I thought was a sure-fire winner… “Honey, I shrunk the donuts”! However, after my wife just wouldn’t warm up to the idea… in frustration I prayed, “God, please help this woman you gave me to appreciate my genius”. Thank God that prayer wasn’t answered. Instead, on July the 5th, 2009, I was washing my hands at a local restaurant and wondering how I was going to open an unnamed donut shop with unusually small donuts when it was like a text message was placed right into my brain… “Peace, Love and Little Donuts”! I went right to the table in the restaurant were everyone was seated and with a look of amazement on my face, told everyone the new name. They all put their thumbs up (my wife actually put both thumbs up)!